Virtual Blackboard for Teacher

Experience the best teaching tool in your device.

The best mobile App for Teacher.

It is the ultimate solution for remote teaching and also the best replacement as it requires low bandwidth. It can also be used by any other user.

The most easiest App for teaching.

Only 3 steps you can make high quality size media and smallest sized file hence you can share video file in very low bandwidth internet.

Create high-quality Virtual Blackboard lecture videos anytime, anywhere, and send them to your students through WhatsApp. These are dynamic videos hence they require very less space. Sharing of files to students is very easy if you make Whatsapp groups for your students.

It has many more features like:

  • Create and save any number of lecture videos you want on your device.
  • It has an image slide maker feature through which you can capture book pages, notes, and add image slides. You can enhance each image slide using crop, rotate, resize, brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness. You can directly load and jump to any slide in the blackboard page through the slide index. These slides are easily accessible on the Blackboard page while creating videos.
  • Share lecture video files through Whatsapp in low bandwidth because Virtual Blackboard video files are very small in size.
  • Replay videos any number of times (offline).
  • Watch high-quality lecture videos without an internet connection.
  • Less sized files compared to normal video files.
  • Connect or do wirelessly casting to a TV/projector (Use Chromecast or Miracast and use device mirroring option) for viewing videos on a larger screen.

Virtual Blackboard is a unique and innovative educational cum presentation tool with new functionalities that have never been covered before. This product is a blending of writing,presentation, and drawing tools. It is simple to use, allowing you to make a tutorial quickly and efficiently.

How ultimate is the tool for strengthening knowledge?

A child's brain is blank when he/she is born. That is their brains are not equipped with any kind of previous knowledge. So when a teacher teaches any subject once, no child can remember it in totality. The knowledge can be consolidated in their brain if they study the same topic repeatedly for several times. For this, a teacher has to teach or explain the subject contents many times to induce knowledge in the child's brain. For this purpose, our tool provides help to the teachers.Whatever the teacher teaches once, it will be saved in our tool so the students can replay and watch the topic taught by their teachers as it is, any number of times they want. In this way, parents can also use this tool to teach their children at home.

All features are available in Virtual Blackboard Pro.

Download FREE App.

Click on the below button to visit AppStore for Downloading the App in your Android device.

Installed over 18,000 users.


I liked and installed and attempted several times but sent file from virtual blackboard for teacher to student was not imported . So by instruction, I purchased virtual blackboard pro but yet position is same .Please solve my problem. Tell also how to set thumbnail. Please take step to solve my problem soon.
Web Master
#Vaibhavi I thing you have not gone through all information about this App. This tool is not meant for making mp4 file. We have more features in virtual blackboard media(video) file like file security, less file size, vector video etc. You will not get these features in MP4. You can restrict the sharing in next version. For making mp4 video, download our Edu Video Maker App.
Can the videos be made in mp4 format or other so that the boundation of having this app with the person with whom we have shared can be waived off. If yes,pls tell me, I will pay.
Sankalp Mathur
Cool App...Nice work

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